Stick your finger in my 18 month old daughter's mouth, and she will bite you too, and it will hurt.........real, real bad, too!

DBoone, how big is the pond? As Wood mentioned, if there has been pike in your pond, especially for some time, the chances are good that there is little else in the pond now.

A lot of that will depend on your pond size.

If you had a smaller pond, say 1 acre, you could stand a chance of fishing most of the pike out.

Regarding hearsay about what has previously been stocked in a pond (even directly from a prior owner) is not a good basis for making decisions.

A good suggestion is to fish the pond hard for several weeks, and keep records of what you catch, size & weight if you can. During this period, you could also be removing undesirables, such as the pike (not wanting to offend those who might want pike in their pond).

It would also be good to know what region your pond is located. This will help others give good advice.

Subcribe to the magazine too.

Excerpt from Robert Crais' "The Monkey's Raincoat:"
"She took another microscopic bite of her sandwich, then pushed it away. Maybe she absorbed nutrients from her surroundings."