Thank you for your kind words...we are all broken hearted...especially my husband. It's hard to think about building back because of all we lost but I am VERY thankful that my family is fine and our home was not damaged in any way. Many people have lost their homes or have severe damage and are now displaced. When we fixed the dam that was broken a couple of years ago we had no idea what to expect...we get 750 acres of watershed for our 4 acre pond and we had planned to have an area for swimming and put some structure in but after we fixed the dam we got alot of rain and the pond filled up overnight. We learned alot through all of this and my husband thinks when we rebuild that we can make it more structurally sound but I have lived in Oklahoma all my life and you just cannot prepare for anything her as far as mother nature...we had record snowfalls this past Winter...the dryest March ever and now record rainfall with flooding...everyone is predicting the hottest and dryest Summer...I'm also concerned that it is just way too much watershed to fathom...the pond had been there for 35 years before the dam broke the first time...