Well ive been trying to manage my pond for bass as yall know. Ive always known there were a few crappie in my 6 acre pond but since it was so bass heavy there numbers were always kept in check. Ive taken out about 600 bass in the last 3 years. There numbers were way down so i turned my attention to the crappie. Ive never fished for them in the 4 years ive had the pond and usually only catch a few 13-14" crappie every year by accident. Well i decided this year to target them for removal. So with ultralight tackle and jigs I began fishing for them. Well the good news is almost all the ones i caught have been 12-14" fish. I have caught 140 over the last month or so and either they are getting wise to my tactics or I have put a dent in there numbers. Atleast I hope that i have.