Sadly, we have our first case of trespassers that I'm aware of at our pond. We just moved in December. Now the weather is warming up enough to where I guess casual fisherman have taken an interest in the pond.

There's a golf course behind our pond and my wife said she caught two people who looked like they were in the late teens fishing in the pond and taking two of the bass we just stocked in the pond this past weekend. I am so upset about that. These are nice quality 2 pound fish and I intentionally left those fish alone since stocking them so they could get adjusted. She says she saw them run off with two fish in their hands when she came outside. Then to top it off, later in the day they came back and they ran again when she came outside.

At least have the stones to come up to the house and ask if you can fish. That really upsets me. They've broken through a barbwire fence I have up along the golf course to get to our pond.

Wife called the sheriff to file a report. I'm going to put up posted signs and repair the fence today.

I guess it begins now.