Please review my feeding plan:
Ok, after all of the input, here is where I am at now with my stocking and feeding plan for my mid michigan 1/2 acre pond fed with an artesian well:

1.) already have 65 YP of various sizes in it plus several hundred stunted BG's.
2.) add 200 HBG's pellet trained
3.) add gal 2-3K of FHM's
4.) add 25 SMB
5.) add 50 RBT pellet trained
6.) add 8 brown trout

feeding plan:
1.) SMB and larger YP feed on the small stunted BG's and FHM's
2.) Sweeney auto feeder 2x/day on Purina Game Fish Chow
3.) Harvest the stunted BG's, cut off fins and release for easy forage for feed for the large perch and SMB.

Pond maintenance:
1.) Run a two unit aerator year round and tied to a temp control so if under 60 F, turn on aerator. Besides providing high levels of oxygen, it keeps the water temp cool.
2.) Operate a supplemental well in the hot mid summer months to keep water temps down for the trout

Any critique and further ideas on this plan. I will get this stock added and start the feeding mid to late April. thanks for any and all input. We have grown RBT successfully yet this is the first time with a mixed species.

PS. Anyone know of a supplier for the purina Game Fish Chow in SE or mid mid Michigan? I have in inquiry into Purina sales yet with no response yet.

1/2 acre pond in West Branch, MI. Plan to stock in early 2025