Originally Posted By: Rainman
I was going from memory Corey and could be wrong...Perhaps others can say from personal experience...I'm not a biig fan or believer of the "lists"...lol Chara is an algae..White Amur don't like algae...I've never seen them eat duck weed or watermeal either...unless they swim weird...I would say any ingested is mostly incidental and not intentional.

yeah I hear ya about the list. Maybe I can give some better info on this after this year. As I have quite a bit of Chara and I should have 6 or7 GC big enough to take care of it, if they like it. So I will let everyone know how it goes this summer!

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!