When I was leaving work last night, I got in my truck and the radio came on at the beginning of a news report that the PATH powerline project was being canceled.

This whole nasty thing has made life very difficult and crazy for the last 18 months. We couldn't semi-retire. All work at our property went on hold. We couldn't sell. We didn't want to make any improvements because we felt it would be wasted money. Our next door neighbor lost his property through foreclosure due to this.

I write this because we want to thank everybody for the support we received as we have moved through this gut-wrenching experience.

Lynda and I can't even begin to express our appreciation and thanks for the many behind-the-scenes forms of help and moral support we received through the Pond Boss family.

Bob Lusk and Eric West (EWEST) were two of the very first to offer incredible support and advice. Todd La Neve (Todd 3138) became our voice in multiple legal issues, and he became a very close personal friend.

We've been involved in many other conversations, e-mail correspondence, and PMs with Pond Boss friends over this issue. We couldn't even begin to name all those who have helped, because we're afraid we might miss somebody. You know who you are, and we can only express our thanks for your support and advice.

Again, thanks to all for your moral support and advice.

We are having a small get-together this coming weekend (March 4-5) at our home and pond. Bob Lusk and Todd La Neve will be there, along with some other rather interesting characters involved in aquaculture. We'll be doing a tour of interesting local aquaculture facilities on Saturday. We already have plenty of my venison pastrami prepared. Lots of other food and friendship/fellowship too. We'd love to have more people join us. Send me a PM, and I'll provide directions.

Ken and Lynda

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