This was caught in my pond this summer and I don't have any idea what it is. This particular one was about 6 inches in length. My pond is full of them. Right now my pond is frozen over, but I drilled a few holes in it a few days ago. After a couple hours I went back out there and the hole was absolutely packed full of minnows about 2 inches in length. The minnows are not of any gamefish that I know of, and I'm guessing they are smaller versions of the pictured fish. Bottomline, I think my pond is exploding with these things. I bought this property in July and have been busy with other stuff so I dont know much of what is in the pond, other than these things. I've fished a few times for a couple minutes and that's all I've ever caught. Any help would be appreciated.

Last edited by k_kindig11; 02/27/11 11:19 AM.