So does Dave Willis and he brought up the GShiners and knows about prey/predator balance up north. Dwight knows his lake as well. This one is a tossup for me. SMB and WE are not particularly good at controlling BG and YP #s so I would not count on them to do too much in that regard. LMB do a very good job and over time and it is not uncommon to see LMB only ponds as a result. The opposite result is also not uncommon - BG overpopulation and stunting. Add in the crappie and you have even more uncertainty. GShiner adults will help with crappie egg reduction , and same for BG and LMB eggs. They do take up space which could go to other fish. One thing I can say is the more fish species you have the harder it is to manage for an unbalanced result like lots of big - your choice LMB , BG , NP , YP, SMB , WE etc. There are just too many interactions we don't understand as managers.

My comments were a generlaziation of how to if you really want too - not a you should try GShiners. The problem with the method noted is the success rate. You could have just the right # of surviving adults to establish a GShiner population. You could also not have enough to establish either of which is managable. The danger is you could be too successful and be overloaded with GShiners. No matter what yo have to realize you have ramped up the amount of forage and predators and as the ultimate balancer do your job.