Originally Posted By: n8ly
The main reason I use pond dyes these days is actually just to enhance the look of the water. Most of the time I use aquashade as my go to all around lake dye, but oftentimes we will add other shades of black and blue to get the exact color we are looking for. The combinations we use are site specific depending on what particles are suspended in the water to begin with.

With my own observations of using thousands of gallons of dye per year and trying every single brand of dye on the market it seems we get the most value for our dollar with Aquashade, but I am very interested in what you come up with Greg!


Thanks for that info. I was wondering if anyone was going to give me their opinion on the dye's themselves. I used a gallon of Aquashade last year and was fairly happy with it. I was suprised at how dark it was at first! The weird part is when it finally starts to lose some of it's shade it looks like left over color from dipping Easter Eggs! smile I never did maintian it though like it said. I just did a one time gallon and that was it. Sure worked good though and it kept my plants at bay for another 3 weeks to a month.

Last edited by RC51; 02/02/11 03:22 PM.

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!