
GREAT looking pond. Does your motivation for the big bream have anything to do with the critters in your last pic?

One other question-does your pond connect to any other body of water? Is there a creek flowing in? I think it's interesting that you've got a lot of big mouthed green meanies and still have large numbers of small minnows....which might make great bluegill supplements someday, if not completely decimated by a bunch of LMB.

A neighbor has given me access to a smaller, much less scenic pond than yours, perhaps 1/6 acre, which is likewise inhabited only by very large numbers of stunted GSF, with a few up to about 8". I want to use it to grow BG to stock in other ponds. I really don't want any LMB in that pond, and killing it isn't an option [because his wife would have a cow], so I'm stocking it slowly with 6-9" BG and removing the GSF as quickly as I can by hook and line. I'm going to start feeding as soon as I can afford another feeder. If BG fecundity is much better than GSF as it appears to be from info here, I'm hoping I can get a good population of 4-6" gills up and going. perhaps enough to overwhelm the GSF. There are a lot of ponds like this one around here, originally stocked with HBG and left to go to seed.

Are you planning to feed? Your distance from the pond makes this a little difficult, but you could really accelerate growth with one.

Good luck with a great project.