Hey thanks guys,

Bski- I can get 1.5 to 3 inch limestone here for $7.50 a ton. I was going to have about 28 to 30 ton dropped by truck slowly driving around the drive as they drop it. Then get to spreading. I am not sure how much i am going to need?? Its about 450 feet all the way around and back out to the entrance. As cheep as I can get lime rock I can get another 28 ton if I need it or whatever.

BK - That's sound like a good idea I hadn't thought of that. I was wondering how I could keep the rock from spreading out to far on the edges. We may have to look into that! I am not sure if I can get 6" rock or not, but that makes since using a filler first! Thanks for the ideas.

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!