My Christmas present 2009 was a diagnosis for life threatening rectal cancer.
We had plans to visit my son and family in San Antonio but called the whole thing off and shut the blinds and stay home.
After surviving bladder cancer for 6 years it was just too much to handle - I didn't want to see or talk to any one.

I was wrong and ashamed of myself when my best fishin' buddy, who happens to be my personal physician, called and gave me a kick in the butt and told me to load the wagon and celebrate Christmas with my family.

I dutifully obeyed and he called me Christmas eve with good news that CT scan was clean and cancer had not spread.
That was the best Christmas gift ever ...... until this morning ....

I am up early in good spirits and good health - my sweetheart is still in bed awaiting her first cup of coffee.
The turkey will soon be in the oven, the pies are baked and two of our sons and two grandsons will soon be here to spend the day with us.

This will be my best Christmas present ever, and I am thankful for my family and all my PondBoss and fishin' buddies!


N.E. Texas 2 acre and 1/4 acre ponds
Original george #173 (22 June 2002)