I missed my chance at the wounded buck again. mad When walking in, I looked into the open area and saw a deer bedded down looking right at me, with a nice 8 pt. about 20 yds further out, standing. I stopped, set down the fold up cloth chair that I was holding and grabbed the binoculars. About that time the deer stands up and I realize that it's the wounded buck. Down go the binoculars, off the shoulder comes the muzzleloader and I look for a shooting lane. By the time that I find one, the healthy buck takes off, and the wounded one is in the forest, putting trees between me and it. It turns out that he was laying down not 20' from where I was sitting this morning. mad cry

After getting all the stuff in place (unfold the chair, set up shooting sticks, dig out rangefinder) I finally get my butt in the chair. Not 5 minutes later I see a buck and 2 does in the open area about 120 yds away. I wanted to take a doe either today or tomorrow, so I get the gun up and the scope turned up to 10x. Rats, all 3 are bucks. Oh well, it's time to sit back and see what else comes out while the rain continues to pour.

It takes them about an hour to work closer to me, and by the time legal shooting time ends, the closest buck is 21 yds away. A swirl of the wind and they both are gone.

Tomorrow is another day!


3/4 to 1 1/4 ac pond LMB, SMB, PS, BG, RES, CC, YP, Bardello BG, (RBT & Blue Tilapia - seasonal).