Hello everyone! My name is Ken, and I am new to the group/forum. Our county inherited a former quarry that has three closely adjacent ponds totalling around 40 acres. The largest two have a connector passage, clear water, and are heavily covered with submerged weeds. The deeper areas don't have weeds, but no boats are currently permitted. The water contains some bass and some bluegill, but submerged weeds hinder fishing, especially since it is only permitted from shore. Under all the weeds is a rock surface with enough mud to grow the submerged weeds. There is very little sand or fine gravel anywhere. It does have a lot of decent structure, mostly in the form of standing trees, but I rarely see any fish around them even.
I am wanting to send them a proposal to take over management of this property, and develop it as a much better fishery. I am looking for advice (and will expect questions), and I will aslo share some of my thoughts and ideas that I am already mulling over.
When you walk around the large two ponds, you hardly see any fish at all, although you will see an occasional bluegill or two, and in the evenings, a few small bass prowling near shore.
I realize that a number of tests will need to be done, but I believe it is a healthy body of water.
I have a few ideas I want to share, but guess I should wait to see who responds to find out if I should post them on this subject, or somewhere else . . . or both. ???
Here are some photos: Pandscorp
Here is the MapQuest view: MapQuest (switch to aerial view)
I look forward to your help.

Last edited by pandscorp; 10/20/10 11:28 AM.