I hooked up the test well and pumped it for 24 hours. That is roughly 24,000 gallons through a garden hose hooked near the pump. The water pumps clear and there is no sediment in the test beaker after sitting for 24 hours. We have a good well.

I took a sample without letting the water touch air and put it in a dark room where the D.O. meter resides. After acclimation and calibration I took a reading and found: water temperature 72.2 F, DO 2.55. I am going to keep this sample for a few days and then check it again to see if there are any organisms at work in the water that cause the readings to change.

I need to take samples directly at the well and will, but have some work to do to make that a less problematic operation.

Life is Good on Bremer Pond

Bremer Pond Weather