Yep, that was the bait...yep, I used it on 2 lb test. George, I would gladly accept that lesson on catching. Actually, I had seen some big bluegill congregating beyond the dock and was changing lures like Terrell Owens changes NFL teams. I had caught back to back to back bluegills on one bait, switched, caught another, saw those big ones, tied on the Roadrunner and pitched it past the bluegill. Bass hit it and the fight was on. I had him close to the shore five times and the drag would sing as she headed toward Davy Jones Lusk Locker in the depths. Finally, got it mostly tired, pulled it toward shore and it blasted off one last the end of the line, flailing in the wind, a twisted little curve. Bad knot, two pound test...Lusk needs George.

Not only does Lusk need George....the Queen would dearly LOVE to beat me like a rented mule.

George, what are you doing Oct 23?
I'll call you...we may have an opportunity. Would you consider being our rented mule?

Teach a man to grow fish...
He can teach to catch fish...