My mind is in the gutter….I need some help.
The next project is gutters. Since there is no fascia board on this type of roof (the lower roof is the subject), it adds a twist to the fastening method. After mucho googlin’ around, I find that the only “normal practice” option of attachment is aluminum straps that attach to the roof decking directly above and the gutters hang from the ends of the straps. Sorry, but no; can’t and won’t do it. So, I am going to use a method that I have already used before that is a bit more labor intensive, but has yielded good results. . If anybody is “gutter-wise” and is aware of a simple tried-and-true attachment method (that does not include gaudy straps that have to be screwed thru the roof), please share it with me.
Barring further brainstorms from my peer group, let’s just assume that I have that aspect corralled and move on to the main subject. Here is a shot of the eave line and gutteral focus (remember; only the lower roof).

The overall length of the eave is 48’. I don’t mind the idea of a nice white gutter running the length. Considering the color scheme we are working with, it should look fine. My concern is for the downspouts and how they can/will detract from the siding install that we just completed.
I should mention that I am going to be using a vinyl gutter system that Menards distributes: K Snap gutter systems

A gutter run at 48 feet will require at least 2 downspouts. I considered placing them at the center of the run (side by side), but nixed it as looking too awkward. Maybe my “vision” is askew, but I think that in the end, if handled correctly, the standard “downspouts at the corners of the house” look will come off best.
Unless somebody can convince me otherwise, let’s assume that the downspouts will run down right at the corner, attached to the chocolate brown corner trim.
This is where my real query comes in.
I can get this stuff at the store, in stock, as white or brown. The brown, ironically, is very close to our siding trim color (i.e.; the corner trim). I’m thinking that I should consider making the gutters white and the downspouts brown. Purely from a color standpoint, this makes sense. From an “aesthetic appeal” standpoint, I’m not sure. What say you, PB forum?

edit: or, do I go with all brown...???