Well I was out at the pond this weekend, and removed another 12 bass over a pound that were obviously from this springs overflow. Two were 3lb, the rest were 1-1.5. The good thing is that the pond at one year old is way under capacity for fish, so the fish can still be picky about where they choose to hangout. We are finding all the bigger bass crammed into the channel at the shallow upper end right now, which is making them easier to catch and relocate. We also added another 50-60 5-7" BG this past week, and will be stocking about 200 more 3-4" BG shortly. I am seeing good numbers of 1-2" BG and FHMs swimming in the shallow weeds, I'm just not seeing many bigger BG. A month ago I did see about 10 BG beds on a gravel area we built into the pond, and they had 4-5" BGs on them. I'm hoping the removal of the LMB and addition of larger BG will help get this stocking back on track. Next spring we'll probably remove some of the 1 year old bass and start harvesting up to 100 of the 200 stocked CC as soon as we can. On a side note, I harvested the fattest LMB this weekend to see what she was eating, and she had 2 bullfrogs in her belly, no fish. I view this as a positive, at least she wasn't keying in on the already reduced 4-5" BG from last fall's stocking!

Last edited by Str8diesel; 09/27/10 02:08 PM.