Originally Posted By: Cisco
My first experience with it was right after I turned 18 and started voting. I'm a machinist and it seems a machine shop had burned. Twice. The owner had three different insurance policys or at least three different insurance companies were involved. The 4 attorneys(three were together against his) would get into an argument and the judge would dismiss the jury, we would return to court for about 15 minutes and then they'd argue again and we's go back to the jury room again. It went on for 2 1/2 weeks. Good thing was the balif was a lady and brought cookies, cakes, pies, etc! The shop owner was trying to get paid for machines from the SECOND fire that were still out being rebuilt from the first fire. What a scam but I did find out about how the justice system worked and about how it was suppose to work. All in all, I thought it was a good expierence. I been back to jury duty many more times and only picked one other time.
Sorry for a long story Cecil but you asked!!

Oh no, I love long stories although I really don't consider that one a long one. You should see the ones on the political sites I frequent. Really long rants and you can lay out the facts and they ignore you. If they're too long I just respond with a zzz... grin

So what was the decision if you don't mind saying? Do you think the guy was doing an insurance scam or was the insurance company just trying to get out of paying him?

Last edited by Cecil Baird1; 09/11/10 10:02 AM.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.