I've been called several times but never served up until this past June when I served on a ridiculous DUI case in Collin County just north of Dallas. The guy was tested at the Police Station and shown over twice the legal limit, he failed the field sobriety test we watched from the dashcam, a witness saw him sideswipe the highway divider and his car showed damage, the witness also observed him going an estimated 90 mph before pulling off on the exit ramp at 3AM....and the dude marches into the courtroom with his court appointed interpreter and court appointed attorney and pleads innocent. The non-stop interpreting was an annoyance but did not effect our fairness. His court appointed lawyer claims the test machine at the police station "must have malfunctioned". We find out after the case this was his 2nd DUI arrest. They were not allowed to tell us that during the trial. We wasted 2 full days in the courtroom and found him guilty....it should have been a 1/2 day trial. Waste of taxpayer money and time. Afterwards I check the court website and it showed that he had already filed an appeal to our conviction. frown

ps: Many courts now have an online system where you check in the night before
and at that point they tell you if they even need you to show up the next morning.

Fishing has never been about the fish....