Dave - thanks for the quick reply. It's hard to tell from the picture but the berm of the pond is elevated 3-4 ft. from the rest of the landscape. I think the water level in the pond is completely dependent on snow/rain levels - might be a small spring. Good suggestion on measuring the actual water depth - I will do this in October as you've suggested.

The bottom of the pond is clay and w/little to no vegetation. I've run several fishing lures/etc. through it so I don't think there is any structure. There are lots of crayfish and tadpoles. In the picture, it's hard to see but there is a definate strong green tint to the water. There are some lily pads on one side of the pond with catails but for the most part it's what you see in the picture.

Initially, I had visions of granduer (i.e., trout pond) but after spending several weeks reading the many posts in this forum it seems that I should probably adjust my expectations. I really want something that my son and nieces/nephews can catch some fish. I'm prepared to drain the pond and have some someone do some excavation as well as add aeration but I'm hoping that someone who has been through this type of challenge will provide "if I had to do it all over again, I would ...". I want to do it right and prepared to spend the $ to do it.

This really is a very informative site and I've been impressed with the caliber and genuine knowledge/respect of the posts.
