OK, I haven't responded in probably over a month. I've been spending most of my free time just watching my pond and fishing. Fatheads and GSH are doing great, I'm well on my way of my goal to walk from one end of the pond to the other. I've also added 300-400 NRBD with the help of a friend and local bait seller. He got them from a local river where they swarm in the shallows, and follow your lures in by the hundreds. I've also found out that the only fish I know of in the feeder stream are black nosed dace, which is a plus.

Water clarity is two-three feet, I used the thermometer in a bottle technique and found that that that the pond remained at 55-68 degrees even through the hot summer months, so I'm in anticipation of the possibility of year round trout.

As of right now I'm expecting to put in 50 SMB per acre next spring, and as little as 30-40 YP per acre. TJ suggested 50 perch for jumbo fishing, but I don't know if I want them competing much with my SMB. Later next fall an additional 30 RBT. No WE in the fall, I'm not sure if I'll ever add them. Can I add them whenever after the lake develops? What size would they have to be? I'm also holding off with PS and RBS stocking for a few years. I havn't found any people who sell RBS either, but there are a few who stock PS's. I'm even thinking about putting the SMB stocking off to next fall or the spring after, to let my baitfish grow another year, if I can wait...