One additional variable - How much water leaves the pond through the outlet? The water leaving the pond through the outlet contains disolved salt, the amount that leaves will equal the amount of salt added to the water, divided by the gallons of water in the pond, multiplied by the gallons leaving the pond through the outlet. If the water is saturated, then the amount leaving the pond is limited by the maximum solubility of your water (depends on water properies and temeperature). Unless your pond loses its water only through evaporation and seepage, the water leaving a pond will likely lower your salinity way below any measurable amount unless you add tons to your pond. Talk to your local extension or natural resources folks. "There is nothing less productive than arguing with someone who already knows the answer and does not consider alternate possibilities." Can't remember who said this first, or if I quoted it correctly, but you get the point.

P.S. I do not advocate spraying concoctions rather than highly efficacious herbicides that have been tested for safety.

Last edited by RAH; 08/12/10 02:34 PM.