I recently got my wife's elderly aunt a rescue dog (against a lot of family advice). He was severely abused, having no fur or skin on his back when rescued from four years of being chained outside. Over about two months, the rescuers did an incredible job with this little guy. He is half-pug and half-Pekingese. They convinced him to think of himself as seriously regal -- he prances rather than running. He has made it know to all that he is very self-important. When he greets a visitor, he puffs out his chest, waiting for recognition. He looks kind of like Yoda. The silly little dog is all black, with some gray on his chin. My wife decided he looks like a piece of recently lit charcoal.

We decided to evaluate names from friends and relatives over seven days before giving him a new name.

My wife's suggestion was adopted. He now has the regal name of "Kingsford." Most of our pets have had some very unusual names. As far back as I can remember, all have had a one or two syllable names that stuck.

Anyway, if your little friend was at our house, we'd probably wait until at least next Friday or Saturday to decide on a final name for that wonderful little critter. She really won the affection of everyone at our house, maybe even our cat. She is far too precious to have an ordinary name.


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