Originally Posted By: Bill Cody
After getting caught a few times, some of the wiser ones will refuse to bite even live bait with a line attached even with most of hook imbeded in the bait.

Originally Posted By: esshup
I think they are hood [JHAP edit: probably meant hook] shy for now, and with all the available natural food in their new home they are even harder to convince.

I forgot to mention it previously but JWHAP and I had an interesting experience while fishing on our pond in June. DIED taught me (or actually reminded me of a method that both he and Bruce had taught me previously and that I had promptly forgot, I hate it when that happens) of a method of jigging for BG, nothing new or earth shattering to you fresh water fishing veterans but to a complete fishing idiot it was helpful.

Anyhoo, JWHAP and I were in our boat using this jigging method catching BG like crazy. As fast as we could lower the jig in the water (one of those small jig heads with the red eye and with a piece of Berkley worm attached to it) we would hook a BG. We were having a blast and suddenly the boat was surrounded by BG. The water was clear enough so that we could watch the entire process happen. Lower the jig, several BG rocket in, one would strike and the fight would be on. Bring the BG into the boat (barbs have been removed from the hook) release the BG, check the worm, and begin the process again.

This fishing frenzy lasted for a good 45 minutes.

Then the fishing slowed way down.

The BG had become wise to the situation. They now would slow approach the jig and either nibble delicately at it or ignore it all together.

The "hook smart process" happened all within plain view.

I realize that this is no great revelation to anyone (hey, this is a JHAP post, were you actually expecting enlightenment? a cure for world hunger? a solution for world peace? a fix to stop your toilet from running? get real here, do you even read my posts?) but it was fun to actually witness the entire process.

That's it, carry on.


"My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives."
...Hedley Lamarr (that's Hedley not Hedy)