Angst, frustration, and one lousy day...
We went to the project for a standard Sat-Sun work weekend. We left Friday night, stayed overnight in our love nest, and got up bright and early on Saturday. As I always do, I had a plan and goal in my mind for each day's progress. By the end of Saturday, I was crushed. It had to be one of the worst karma days I have had in a long time. Nothing went right. Even Dski commented how badly I was off my game. Measure twice and cut 3 times would have been an improvement. Unfortunately, this poor performance was magnified by undertaking one the more difficult facets of the siding installation: manufacture and installation of the frames surrounding the 3 picture windows. I suppose this would not have been anywhere near as difficult as it turned out to be if I had not insisted on the entire frame to be one solid frame with all joints glued and biscuit joined. Well, it basically took all day, including caulking it in. In the end, it turned out pretty well, but....jeesh, what a project.

Sunday went a little better, but the sun comes over the top of the area we are working on around 1:00 and really cooks after we've already put in 5+ hours. We caulked in the siding we did manage to fit/install and called it a day. After Saturday, I accepted this a minor victory...OK, more like a draw.

The good news is that we have knocked out a difficult cut, fitting in the siding along the bottom edges of the window row. The last pain will be flashing and fitting the tops; next trip.