Thanks for the replies. Primarily BG, secondarily LMB is probably the route I'll take (much as it pains me to go that route).

I called every available stocker in the state, but only talked to one person. Left lotsa messages, though, so hopefully I'll find some more competitive bids on Monday/Tuesday.

I have considered feeding. And I have considered aeration. Feeding will have to wait until my small business pulls through this economic slump. And aeration is also probably cost prohibitive because of the electrical I'd have to lay down from the house or the barn (200 yards) + equipment + electric bill.

For now, I'm hoping I can scrape by doing next to nothing. Just protecting the habitat as best I'm able and hoping that Mother Nature helps me keep my fish alive and thriving...

Went out to the pond again this evening to check for floaters (none yet), and saw just TONS of insect activity on the surface and more tiny frogs on the shores (like the size of my pinky nail)... so hopefully the food chain is ready and waiting to fatten my little BG up.