This is why I want ideas, and it seems I am getting some. This pond is my fathers which he just purchased the land. He was at first pretty excited until he figured out that it is not that deep and now feels it will be a waste or just a water source for wildlife.

I on the other hand think it can be used for something and told him I will take the time to do so and that is the reason for this question. I was thinking of just doing FHM, Shiners, crawdads, tadpoles, etc. Not sure if all of them would overwinter or not but that was some thoughts.

I then was thinking since there are not any fish or not many in the pond that maybe we could possibly stock Tilapia (which I think it is too late now to get any size on them), to grow out to eat this year and possibly save a few to over winter to restock next year to grow out again or even put in other ponds that have a fish base to help with forage and vegetation.

Like I said we do not have a plan or goal at this time and just taking some expert advice from the forum.

We are looking to get as many ideas, recommendations, and anything that should be completely shied away from mentioned here so we can decide what we think would be the best option based on the feedback here.

We then will let everyone know on the forum what we choose and then hope to get the best ideas how to achieve the ultimate goal.

Much thanks in advance.