Thanks, travism. My neighbor did/does the same thing in his 1/2 acre pond and had results similar to what you described, though as mentioned in an earlier post, he does it every year so not only does he not have WM, he pretty much has nothing else at all. I definitely want some vegetation, but am thinking more and more that it could be worthwhile to go the fluoridone route and then plant some good plants. Given what I've learned about WM, though, I'd probably need to kill it early next spring, then be ready to hit some of stubborn seeds that hang on to the next season as soon as they begin to emerge. I would think that would mean at least two seasons of not planting anything new because the re-treatment may well wipe it out, too.

Given that I've seen some success with diquat at this point - at a pretty reasonable cost (~ $60 for a gallon of Weedtrine D), I'm willing to keep working with this until the chemical is gone and/or the WM is gone. Then we'll re-evaluate and see what comes next.

Thanks again for the input!

Todd La Neve

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