Originally Posted By: EWEST
Any dead bodies or blood ?

None noted -- so far!

Originally Posted By: Sunil
I'm burning up right now.

There better be a good explanation, or I'm coming down there with my hide set-up. The longer I've been in the hide, the worse off for the perp.

Sunil -- your are more than welcome to come down in your "hide set-up" to determine what is going on.

But, I've got to warn you -- the longer I live here, the more I find that most sinister situations turn out comical.

Somewhere I have a post about the blind horse staring in our bedroom window one Saturday morning. When I finally found the horse's owner, and after I described the horse to her, she was crazy enough to ask me if the horse was blind in just one eye, or both eyes! cry

Each time I get suspicious, I get embarrassed.

For those of you old enough to remember the TV show called Green Acres -- that is us.

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