I thought I would update this thread just in case we do end up controlling trash fish with the 'seining method'. Last night, 7-31-06, we seined the east arm of my pond again. 3 guys on one side and a 4 wheeler pulling on the other. This time around we caught several times as many catfish (80+) as we did carp (40+). I don't really know why (warmer water temps?). And we only caught 2 crappie. If you recall, the first seining adventure had close to 400 or 500 carp (which after counting the fish this time I am almost certain is a low estimate) ,200 or 300 catfish, and over 100 crappie.

Anyway, we cleaned all of the catfish over 1 lb. (15-20) and released the rest in a friends pond. The carp we released onto the shoreline \:D If NEfish and I can coordinate, we plan on hitting it 1 more time over Labor Day. I will try to get pictures. We also hope to hit another pond overpopulated by crappie and releasing them into my pond to help control the trash fish. As much as people do not like overpopulated crappie, I could only wish that was my problem at this point. I am actually hoping they overpopulate, so that the trash fish numbers decline. Remember, water clarity is my issue of concern.

Just a Pond Boss 'sponge'