Tadpoles can be a staple of LMB's diet. They are big, slow and super soft with no bones or spines. Especially big fat bullfrog polliwogs. Almost all of my customers ask for them. They can retail anywhere from .75 to $3 a pop. My latest pond I planted at least 1500. I use polliwog colored lures with great success in my lmb polliwog ponds. If the polliwogs do not have cover your population will eventually die off from no recruitment. And I would never eat bullfrogs from my own ponds as they provide so much forage with almost zero negative impact to the fish. Not much eats full grown bullfrogs. I also feed my bullfrog polliwogs pellets to pump them up. I remove and relocate garter snakes to protect my frogs. I provide as much marginals and shoreline cover as I can. In my opinion they are one of the under used forage items in the pond business.