Skunks like to nibble on them, as I have been told.

This year is strange.

Last year we had an over abundance of wasps, hornets and yellow jackets. This year, nary a one, so far. I am sure it will pick up as the summer progresses.

This year we have quite a population of Bumble Bees. Everywhere you go, there is a Bumble Bee doing it's thing. I've relocated 3 queens (hopefully) as they have chosen some prime real estate that is frequented by young children. I like Bumble Bees smile I can be out in the garden doing my thing, and work right along side of a Bumble Bee doing its own thing. Talk about a symbiotic relationship!

The other strange thing, is we have NO mosquitoes! If I counted a dozen or so this year, I would be told to get new glasses. No one I know of around here has been bitten by a mosquito this year, as we were discussing this welcomed phenomenon yesterday while honoring Dad.

I am seeing an increase in Bat activity. I was up at about 2 am when Luna tangled with a critter just outside the camper. I think it may have been a raccoon, not sure. It was an all tooth and power/protection deal. But, I have never heard this level of whoop butt. She came out of the woods, simply smiling and sat down next to me with the biggest grin on her face.

Back to Bats: They are kinda like all over here right now, so they are eating all the bugs. If you shine a spotlight up, one may get an uncomfortable feeling. Don't worry, they like bugs more than your Jugular Vein!

Plus, for the first time in years, I am actually seeing some Rabbits, and then we have Owl's all over.

What type of Owl would be talking to it's neighbors during the day? Maybe 60-80 feet up in a tree?

I think my screwed-up plans may just be creating habitat. And, I like that!

Most things are truly discovered by mistake, and opened eyes, not by the brilliance or superior intellect of the human mind.