CJB I have a similar sized bag that holds four 3600 boxes and has tons of pockets and mesh holders. This bag is always in the trunk of my car (You never know when the opportunity will present itself). Problem is that a unit of this size can become a hassle when your trudging through woods and standing in bulrushes or worse yet mud.

Thats why I dug out my backpack from college and purchased two smaller sized boxes that I'll load with everything I need for each particular pattern I'm fishing.

This way I am more mobile and there is a heck of a lot less sorting. I fish plastic worms, flukes, etc. I also carry several different "search" lures if I can't take them on my usual finesse tactics.

A white spinnerbait, chartreuse and black/blue or black/red are the main search lures. However there are certain times that I will fish a floating crankbait or Zara spook.

The two separate bags keep me a lot more organized. I keep a pouch for spent worms or fishing line...basically a waste basket. Then I have another area set up for good plastics or lures that need to be filed back in the main box.

Now if I could build a stable and protected sheath for a spare two-piece on my pack I'd be set.