DDT has been proven deadly, not by junk science but by world renowned chemists and biologists both. One of the major problems is it really is not water soluble. In fact, and again, this is fact it is water insoluble. But the real killer is it is fat soluble. And it destroys at a cellular level. It attacks the plasma membrane of a cell, and causes it to go haywire. Even better with the properties, it is subject to biomagnification. It sticks around in everything that it comes in contact with, and then get passed along when the higher organisms eat it. The higher up the food chain, the more you get. And fish, who are loaded with fat cells just soak it up. So do people. It collects in real neat places, like adrenal glands, testicles, liver, kidneys and woman's breast, and human breast milk. Again, not scare tactics but proven university findings. And if you want a historical context, DDT is what started all of the overreaction to everything else. Sorry guys but anything that causes cellular leakage can also lead to cells going haywire. There could even be a link to breast cancer. DDT is one of the worst chemical concoctions ever foisted on the unknowing public. But at a time it was also thought to be a wonder pesticide. Kind of like gly today.

Last edited by The Pond Frog; 06/14/10 08:40 PM.