Yes, good ol DDT, we should bring that back. The stuff it did not kill it was absorbed into and killed whatever ate it. Very similar to gly, the most widespread herbicide, DDT was the most widespread pesticide. People even had DDT shampoos for lice. But like anything else that kills organisms, the killer potential remained hidden, but deadly. And no, this is not propaganda, but proven science from world expert chemists. Duke has had extensive studies on DDT and it's destructive abilities. It kills everything, and then some more. Does not take much either. Did DDT save lives? Or did it kills millions? Could or is something safer being used? Please don't try to defend DDT, you lose credibility.

Why do you make the assumption all organic produce is contamniated? It's not animal waste that gets in it, it is gly, and many other everywhere pesticides and herbicides, that are now just about in everything. And yes, organic produce contains less than nonorganic. I have manures in my raspberry patch only. Everything else is compost only. Earthworms, red worms and nitecrawlers. I trust my home grown produce to feed my family because I know what happens with it. I hand pick off insects. I don't use fertilizers, or herbicides either. I even have a french drain to seperate my yard's water from neighbor's.

Let's all sing the praises of DDT! We want to bring it back! DDT for all!