Wow, what a day! Here is a quick summary. More will be posted tomorrow.

Todd arrived about noon time with the Traveling Lures. He arrived at the same time as two exterminators who were supposed to get some critters out of The Catmandoo Main Mansion's master bedroom wall. They were ill prepared. They said it could be a flying squirrel, a bat, or something far more insidious. Todd suggested it could be a killer rat. They wanted to poison it. I said no -- it would smell too bad when it died. This was on the side of The Mansion where the peak is about 30 feet off the ground, and that is where the critter is living. They didn't bring a ladder. Besides, I think they were afraid.

I sent the exterminators packing. But, before they left, they got to talking about pond fishing. Quick thinking Todd tells them we are Pond Boss Ambassadors. He suggests I give them some Pond Boss brochures, which I did. I was wearing my Pond Boss cap. We started talking about the Traveling Lures, including the Broke Back Rapala. They left in a big hurry for their next appointment. They again looked afraid.

It was lunch time, so Todd and I headed into Winchester, VA to have lunch with my wife Lynda. She had to work today. At lunch, Todd and I plotted our afternoon strategy. We decided we'd sneak over to nearby farm with several ponds that have incredible fishing. Todd had heard a lot about this place. I figured I'd be OK, because I know a good WV lawyer if we were to get caught. We didn't get caught, but lots of fish got caught. Sometimes we had to wait over 20 seconds before a fish would attack a bait or lure.

I started with the Viking Lure. The first pond had lots of FA, and all it was catching was the FA. So, I switched to the Broke Back Rapala. This is what it brought in on about the second cast:

This was from about the 4th cast:

I caught several more bass on the Broke Back, then I switched to the little crawdad. Todd has some photos of other fish caught on the little crawdad, but I got this critter just before taking the little crawdad off the line. As you look at this, please realize that the little crawdad is about one inch long. Compare that to the desperate fish that attacked it.

Then, we nearly had a Doc Runkle moment. Thankfully, it didn't get stuck, and we didn't have to call Norman Oklahoma 911.

More later about the filet lessons, battering lessons, the feast, and fishing for the pampered bluegill in Catmandoo Pond.

What a fantastic day. Thanks Pond Boss and friends for making this possible. The only thing missing was that Todd did not get to see, or step on, any of the famous Copper-Headed Rattle Moccasins we have around here.


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