Thanks for the update. Bill I think it is a great idea to test the male BG only idea and to see what it shows. I have followed it with much interest and think it may show some interesting results. That is why I called it the grand experiment because it is a grand {great} idea . I thank all of you for doing the work and sharing the results and the story with the rest of us. Thanks for the posts today. I was, in addition to the general results, today interested to see if the onset of cooler temps had increased feeding activity and if anyone noticed if the all male ponds had shown a greater increase in feeding over a mixed pond. Our LMB and BG seem to put on a spurt of feeding activity in Sept and Oct. just before cold sets in. I assume this is to add body weight to help survive winter and the next springs spawn. I did not know if an all male population would exibit this but assumed it would , just as other normal BG activity has occured as per Bruce and CB1 reported spawning and feeding related activity earlier this year. I look forward to the article in PB and would hope that the various data/conditions could be made into a chart or report to compare side by side conditions and results and most importantly your observations even if you think they may not meet scientific requirments. Often the reporting of observations even if not scientific give us ideas and fish behavior to watch for and note in our ponds. Thanks again. ewest