Dificult to know, so many odd names around.
I had a odd experience years ago with a customer.
I was supposed to meet him at the airport but got stuck in a trafic jam, so by the time I got to the airport his plane had landed and ewerybody was thru custom/pasport control, so my sign "Steve Koock" didn't help.
I ran over to the information desk and asked the girl sitting there to adress him on the PA system, she did and imidiatly afterwards she slaped me in the face????????????????????
She was furiouse, I didn't understand nothing and got really mad.
Fortunatlly Steve Koock turnd up, with in minutes at the desk, so the guy was for real.
So what was it all about? Well "Steve Koock" means "hard on" in norwegian, so the girl behind the desk thaugt that I had made her anaounce will mr. hard on plase come to the information desk on the first floor.