My two all male BG ponds (1+ acre and .1 acre) are both behaving similarly. They are having increased feeding activity but really spotty on angling success. When I do catch a BG he will typically have a Wr of 110 to 130. Maybe this is why they're hard to catch. They're beautiful. All of them are no longer in spawning regalia, but they look so cool when they develop shoulders. I've been catching mostly 8-9 inchers that weigh 3/4 of a pound. I've added a few fish here and there. The larger pond has 557 BG right now. You'd think that you would foul hook one even if they weren't biting, but I guess it doesn't work that way. I keep expecting a time this fall when fishing improves, but the combination of ample pellets, millions of water boatmen and limited competition may keep the CPUE down until next spring.

My water temps are in the 76-78 degree range. Daytime highs are mid to upper-80's.

By the way, my bluegill won't eat in the morning either, just like Cecil's! They are impossible to catch until noon or later and the evening feeding is the big one. Why in the world would that be?

Holding a redear sunfish is like running with scissors.