I guess that I assume it goes without saying that labels come with pesticides and it is illegal to use the products in other ways. These labels are written by those "evil" corporations and approved by those "incompetent" regulators. Both groups of people (lets not forget that people make decisions, not governments and corporations) get in trouble when consumers use these pesticides in stupid ways. I am in the field of transgenic plants, and government regulations are so onerous that only multinational corporations have the resources to bring these varieties to market. The crazy regulations are looking for minute risks that are higher for traditionally bred crops than they are for transgenic crops. These regulations and the fear instilled by advocacy groups (like Green Peace that benefit financially from scaring people) are keeping more environmentally friendly agricultural practices from being used. They need no scientific evidence, just rhetoric. Don't think that the only propaganda comes from governments and corporations. Green Peace etc. need new scary issues to get donations. Use your brain and make your own decisions based on facts, not claims (including mine).

I also appreciate this forum because it is visited by thoughtful folks who speak their mind, and they seem to have a connection with the land and water which gives them a realistic perspective.