Originally Posted By: jeffhasapond
Good point RC. When placing structure one should definitely consider the effect on other uses of the pond including fishing and swimming. When we had tons of Elodea the GSF loved it. They would hang out just at the edges of the Elodea beds. But fishing the pond was a complete PITA, just about every cast you would snag some Elodea. And forget about fishing deep. Now that we've reduced the Elodea significantly we don't have that issue but the fish have less places to hide. Everything is a trade off I guess.


Your right it is a trade off. Those weeds though is where your going to find a lot of your forage so you don't want them all gone that's for sure, but put a few floating logs about a foot or so away from that weed line and anchor them down so they will stay put and see the bass come rolling in. It's the perfect setup. Weedline with forage fish, logs to hide under to ambush and deepr water near by. It's not a matter of if the fish will be there it's when. A LMB will not be able to control himself smile He will take refuge under them logs. So 8fisherman has a 2.5 acre pond. He could have several log combinations. I have even put some logs togetehr and put eye bolts in the end of each one and zip strips and zipped them together to make one long log. If you can though your better off in some spots to just have your log come straight out from shore. That way you don't have a log with water on the backside of it where it's hard to get to the fish. Some spots this is unavoidable so just be careful when you cast. Cause I can gaurantee this one thing. You will get more strikes from LMB on that backside of the log than on the front side everytime!! I believe the reason for that is because the bass like to try and pin there food up against the log if they can't get it in there mouth right away plus this could also temporarly stun it's prey and then they can eat it. I don't know but if I had a 2.5 acre pond and if you can use up to 20 percent or so for habitat thats about a half acre for habitat give or take a little. So start out slow and easy and just see how it goes. You have plenty of room to work with I wouldn't worry at this point about over doing it. (Unless you already have habitat in the pond?) Just remember if you use the right type of habitat you won't get hung up so much when fishing.

Good Luck

Last edited by RC51; 06/04/10 12:45 PM.

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!