I just went thru this entire post from the first page. Brettski, awesome job, but man you make me feel like a lazy bum, heh heh. I consider myself a can-do-er, always ready to tackle the task at hand, but I seriously want to know how you maintain focus? Do you take some sort of ADHD medication to keep that razor sharp focus on the next step?? I restored an old farm house and the sheer size and scope of the project often overwhelmed me to the point of helplessness many times over. Of course, I was single during most of it and spending time and money on fishing trips instead of weekend after weekend on the task at hand, but what you have done and in the time frame you have done it is something any couple can be very proud of. I was impressed by your dock building both in design and workmanship but this blows that away, very good job indeed!!!