Thanks again for all of the responses.

I just put an aeration two weeks ago and and dissolved oxygen levels are well above 7ppm and the water is very clear, about 6-8' visability. At about the same time I did add 20lbs of GSH to keep mosquitos from making it their own. Can it be too clear for forage fish?

My ultimate stocking goal is to have Yellow Perch and/or Blue Gill and then Walleye. (standard Wisconsin table fare)

I like the idea of using pallets as I have an unlimited supply of them. Is there anything wrong with leaving the old ones in and just adding new as the water level rises?

The schoolbus idea has already been thought of, but I am working on getting an old lake Michigan fishing trawler to clean up and sink. I am an ex-navy diver and an avid sport diver, I thought having a "wreck" in it might be fun.
