(hybrids optional on all below)(all suggestions appreciated)
large mouth bass
coppernose blues
redear sunfish
channel or blue cat (i've heard that catfish in a pond have a tendency to keep the water muddy, is this an issue anyone has had?)
and of course FHM...I would rather have more of a 'catch decent fish most of the time and a trophy every now and then' pond as opposed to a 'lots of big fish out there but very seldom catch anything pond', if that makes any sense i'll also probably be throwing in some crawfish in there sometime unless someone here can coax me off of the idea...anyone have any problems using creosole soaked posts as 'pilings' for a pier? i plan on using some due to being able to get my hands on some around the house for little cost (i've never heard of anyone having problems)....more questions to come as they pop in my head

edit: any suggestions of what NOT TO DO..i've ready plenty of things TO DO, but was looking to avoid any hidden mistakes or unwanted consequences

Last edited by jd2518; 04/16/10 06:04 AM.