I have a pond that's around an acre in size. We (family) dug the pond about 20 years ago. We've NEVER stocked the pond. We've had friends who have put a couple bass and bream in over the years from local fishing trips, but never officially stocked it. We've always caught some pretty nice fish (both) over the years. You really only catch a few bass each time, but the few are normally pretty nice. As far as the bream go, you can catch them pretty much all day most of the time. Now that I own and live on the property I wanna really manage the pond properly for my kids, friends, family, etc. My neighbor has a pond and feeds pretty regularly, to the point that when you walk up to the bank, the bream swarm like piranha! As soon as you drop your bait in the water the attack it! Really cool, especially for the kids. Now to my question(s):

-1. I want to start feeding but I have been told to be very careful, that sometimes the fish can start to only want the fish food and won't bite on other bait. Is this true/false?

-2. People that fished it in the past never really took fish out (bass), and I've also been told that I need to start culling the fish, or taking out the smaller ones. How do I determine which to keep and which to leave in?

-3. I know the pics with the grass should probably go in the "fertilizing" section of the forums, but just in case, how do I get rid of that green slimy mess that you have to pull off your bait every cast!!?? lol

Any help/suggestions/advice would be GREATLY appreciated! Thanks in advance! I'll continue to post my progress (if I can make any) in the forum as time goes on. I just really want to get the pond right, and improve things if possible, for years to come.









(Neighbor's Pond w/ Bream)