First, let me tell y'all that I love this thread! Thanks for the great pics and stories - especially the kids fishing!

I didn't get a picture but, I caught a LMB in my pond today that made me feel like we're having some success - it was about 3lbs (I'm guessing) but I'm also gonna guess that the WR was well over 100. That LMB was a football and I don't think it was really full of eggs - a wee bit too early for that. And, where I caught it would not be a likely spawning area.

Our forage project seems to be working!

Further evidence, my friend was out there with me in another boat fishing with a flyrod and was catching a ton of BG under 4" - I think the golden shiners we added have saved our BG population! That was the other goal.

OK, I'll try to do better with picture taking. It's hard when I'm in the boat by myself and wanting to get my fish back in the water as quickly as possible.


If you're too scared to throw that bait where the fish are, why did you tie it on?