Originally posted by Brettski:
...Theo means well, but somehow it turns into more work and expense:
Are you going to seal off the under side of the trusses with sheeting like the classier dock roofs we've seen pictured here? It'd be nice to have it bird-, bug-, and varmint-proofed.
I considered it, but nothing more than a passing thought. Give me some ideas on SOP.
I haven't done it myself, Bski, but I believe there have been 2 or 3 nice docks pictured here with the bottom of the trusses covered. The walkway from the house to the garage/apartment at Lusk Lodge II is done this way - pics in one of the last 2 issues of PB Mag.

"Live like you'll die tomorrow, but manage your grass like you'll live forever."
-S. M. Stirling
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