Originally posted by Gainesjs:
Make sure that you install some diagonal bracing to keep the structure square. My metal roof was a bit heavy and shaky until I added diagonals.
I am pleased to report that my dock has handled some intense storms. We got hit hard a month ago and I lost dozens of large oaks, hickory and ash, but the dock stood firm with no damage.
OK Jeff...done. I picked up 4 pc of green treat 6 x 6 x 8ft and pre-fab'd 'em at home. I cut each 8 footer dead center with a 45 degree cut. Then, I pre-drilled the 1/2" hole for the mounting bolt at each 45, adding a 1.500" dia countersunk hole to accept and recess the washer and nut. The other end of ea timber brace, the square end, is the easy one and will be drilled on site during installation. I picked up 16 more 1/2" x 10" SS carriage bolts and matching washers and nuts. Load up the generator and we're back off to the project. It took a couple of hours but turned out great.

Before we installed the diagonal timbers, I had to add one more 2 x 10 ledger opposite the existing ledger....cake. Then the top end of each diagonal (the square end)is sandwiched between the 2 x stock and thru-bolted with the 1/2" SS carriage bolts. The 45 degree cuts mated with the verts absolutely dead on and bolted on like they belonged there all along.

Now I have to keep my eyes and ears open to find a good deal on manufactured decking. After that, load up the trailer with pre-fab roof trusses and metal roofing.
QUESTION: I have very little exposure to metal roofing installation. I know that on a house a plywood or OSB roof deck should be installed. Should I do the same here or just use firring strips perpendicular to the trusses? I sure like the simplicity of firring strips AND the weight reduction.